Frequently Asked Questions
When choosing your tattoo artist, you absolutely need to be confident that you chose an artist who has your desired tattoo style shown in their portfolio.
I have many different styles that I excel at for your next tattoo. It can be a black and gray tattoo, color, or a combination of both.
Here is a list of my specialties:
Cover Ups

Realistic Floral

Pseudo Realistic Color

this means the tattoo has an element that is realistic combined with an element that is obviously artistic.I do not tattoo the style
considered “photo realistic”
Pseudo Realistic Black & Gray

Watercolor with Splatter

Painted Style

Images that look like it could be a painting with brush stroke effects

Floral, nature, animals, almost anything that naturally occurs in life.

Images which are mainly line work and not much shading
Splatter Style

Trash Polka

Sketch Style

Let me explain to you the reason I don’t tattoo in other styles: It is important to me that I creatively give 120% of myself to designing every tattoo. Also this image will be permanently on your body. This tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life and I take pride and responsibility for that. If you are requesting a tattoo from me that is a style I don’t like to do or don’t enjoy tattooing, by human nature I am likely to not be as passionate about it. (this is the same with many other tattoo artists) So if I refuse a tattoo style that you are desiring it does not mean that your idea is bad or stupid. It just means that I am not passionate about tattooing that style. You are equally important in order to ensure that every client gets the best style from me on every tattoo.
If you read the list above and still are not sure if your design is a style I tattoo, it never hurts to ask. Please, feel free to inquire by filling out the form in the booking section of my website. (Booking link here) If your request is not a style I produce, I will happily refer you to an artist that I think would be a better fit for your tattoo.
Tattoos I do not choose to do: (not my specialty)
Quotes / Lettering / Dates / Roman Numerals (unless it fit well within the art piece)
Tribal / Celtic / Polynesian
Family member portraits
Logos (bands, etc)
Tattoos typically found on Pinterest: this includes but not limited to infinity symbols, anchors that say “I shall not sink”, thin black crosses, paw prints, simple arrows, fingerprints, names and dates (unless they fit into a larger tattoo composition especially well).
Thank you for considering Robia Tattoos for your next tattoo. Again, please, feel free to inquire by filling out the form in the booking section of my website. If your request is not a style I produce, I will happily refer you to an artist that I think would be a better fit for your tattoo. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I prefer meet in-person for design tattoo consultations because:
- It is much easier to communicate creative ideas in person. Searching and looking at images together is much faster together and communication is much clearer.
- I like to meet my clients and really get a feel for your personality to have a better understanding of how you feel about your tattoo.
- If you live out of state, we can do a video consultation.
During your consultation we will discuss in full detail your vision for your tattoo. I will help to guide you of what will fit your body the best and how much detail we can fit in the space. It is important when designing a tattoo that we consider the aging process. I want to make sure your tattoo will look good, not only the day you get it, but for many years later. I will help advise you on every aspect of your tattoo. A favorite part of my job is helping people make their tattoo idea a reality. I love helping people feel amazing about themselves through forever art that they carry proudly every day for the rest of their life.
Consultations are always free and I will never pressure you to get tattooed by me. I love to educate about the tattoo process and I like to know that you are, without a doubt, confident about the tattoo design before we start. So, if you need more time to think or if you need more than one consultation, that is 100% okay.
To book a consultation please go to the booking section of my website, read the information and fill out the form. I try my best to do all consultations on Tuesdays between 1 pm and 8 pm as I am tattooing the rest of my work week. Special exceptions can be made if absolutely necessary for either earlier or later appointments Wednesday through Friday. I do not take consultation appointments on Saturdays.
Now for the nitty gritty terms and conditions.
On the day of your consultation, if you are ready to book your appointment, you will be asked to put down a non refundable deposit. No refunds. The deposit is 20% of the total cost of your tattoo. (If you are not able to come to Fallbrook, CA to meet in-person for a consultation, a 50% deposit is required) If absolutely necessary a 72 hour cancellation notice is required in order to retain your deposit if you need to absolutely reschedule your appointment. If a 72 hour advance notice is not given, you will forfeit your deposit and you will need to pay another deposit to re-book an appointment. I am not a total jerk about this, if there is a genuine emergency in your life that prevents you from keeping your appointment, I will give it consideration and determine if your deposit should be returned.
To set an appointment with me, Robia, you first need to have a tattoo design consultation. Consultations are free and I prefer to meet you in person. For non-local clients, consultations can happen via email, video calls and phone.
During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss all the details of your tattoo. This will help to ensure that you and I are have a full understanding of the design elements. The meeting will also allow for me to estimate the length of time it will take to complete your tattoo in turn quoting you a price.
Please feel free to contact the shop via phone (760) 451-9200 or click here to fill out an online design form to set up your free consultation.
A 20% non-refundable deposit is required to finalize a date for your tattoo appointment.
Thank you for taking the time to look over the web site and my portfolio. I hope to hear from you soon.
What To Do
You would think I wouldn’t have to mention this .. but the #1 prep for your appointment is… Please come to your appointment clean!!! This means, please be freshly showered and make sure you are free from dirt and that you smell decent. Also, clean clothing is a must. Being clean is healthier for you and your tattoo… and I greatly appreciate it.
Wear something you are comfortable in… something you don’t mind getting ink on. Also, make sure what you’re wearing allows for the tattoo artist to easily access the part of your body you’re getting tattooed.
Please eat a good meal and drink plenty of water before your appointment. If you have an all day appointment, you may want to bring snacks or a lunch. Breaks will allow time for you to eat.
Hydrated skin takes ink better. So drink plenty of water the day/night before your appointment.
If you have a long/all day appointment, feel free to bring a pillow or blanket for additional comfort. Just make sure the items you bring are clean and you don’t mind the possibility of getting ink on them.
What Not To Do
Please do not make plans or reservations immediately after the estimated time your tattoo will be done. Always leave a couple extra hours because sometimes tattoos take a little longer than expected.
Please do not drink excessive alcohol the night before your appointment. Getting tattooed while hungover sucks. Also it will dehydrate you… remember your skin will take ink better when hydrated.
Do not drink alcohol or take pain killers (unless necessary for a medical condition) before you come in. Most tattoos will not be that painful. I will not tattoo you if you are obviously intoxicated.
Following aftercare instructions is vital to the healing and longevity of your tattoo and/or piercing. Please, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the below directions and feel free to call us with any additional questions.
Tattoo Aftercare:
Day One: Don’t leave your tattoo covered for more than 2 hours. The first day when you get home, gently wash your tattoo using a mild anti-bacterial soap and then “pat” dry. Put a very light layer of ointment on.
Day 2 and for 2 weeks after: Keep your tattoo OUT OF THE SUN. Wash it once in the morning and once in the evening, however, DO NOT “soak” the tattoo in a tub or any liquid. Pat it dry and apply a very thin layer of ointment. We recommend Aquaphor but A&D is fine. Apply enough to keep your tattoo from drying out and cracking but not enough to let it get goopy.
DO NOT scratch or pick at your new tattoo as tempting as it might be. After your tattoo is healed continue using a sunscreen. This will help keep your tattoo vibrant.